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IELTS Writing
Sample Response

The IELTS writing sample responses provided on this website are crafted based on the criteria commonly used in the IELTS examination to assess writing skills. They are intended as educational resources to aid students in understanding the elements of high-scoring responses and to practice their writing skills. While these samples aim to demonstrate effective writing techniques and adherence to IELTS standards, I do not guarantee that similar submissions will achieve the same scores in an actual examination. Candidates are advised to use these resources as guides and not as definitive predictions of exam performance. The actual IELTS scores may vary based on individual performance, examiner interpretation, and other test-related variables.

Cambridge 18, test 2, task 2

Essay Question:

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects. Others believe it is more important to give all their time and attention to studying for a qualification.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Model Essay 1:

The pursuit of education, especially at the university level, often presents a dichotomy between specializing deeply in one’s major or embracing a broad spectrum of knowledge across various disciplines. On one hand, some students advocate for a concentrated focus on their major subjects, arguing that it maximizes their expertise and readiness for professional challenges post-graduation. They posit that dedicating all their time and energy to mastering the nuances of their chosen field allows for a deeper understanding and a competitive edge in the job market.

Conversely, another set of students champions the value of a multidisciplinary approach to learning. They argue that understanding concepts outside their primary area of study not only broadens their intellectual horizons but also enhances their adaptability in a rapidly changing world. This perspective holds that exposure to a variety of subjects fosters creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to approach problems from diverse angles. For example, a computer science student taking courses in psychology could develop more user-centric software solutions.

However, it is essential to consider the balance between these two approaches. While specialization can lead to expertise in a particular field, a well-rounded education equips students with the soft skills and versatility demanded by today’s multifaceted challenges. The reality is that the global economy and societal needs are evolving in such a way that individuals who can bridge multiple disciplines are increasingly valuable. Thus, integrating knowledge across different fields can be as crucial as diving deep into one’s major.

In conclusion, both the pursuit of depth in one’s field and the exploration of a broad curriculum have their merits. The former prepares students for specific professional pathways with a high level of expertise, while the latter equips them with a versatile skill set applicable in diverse situations. Ideally, a balanced approach that allows students to specialize while also encouraging them to explore other interests can foster both professional excellence and a well-rounded intellectual development. This hybrid model not only prepares students for their immediate career goals but also instills a lifelong love for learning and adaptability to future changes.

Words, phrases, and collocations from the essay

Here’s a list of words, phrases, and collocations from the essay that could contribute to a high score in IELTS due to their sophistication, accuracy, and range:

  1. Pursuit of education – A formal and sophisticated way of referring to the act of seeking or engaging in educational activities.
  2. Dichotomy – A complex word that describes a division or contrast between two things that are presented as being entirely different.
  3. Concentrated focus – A collocation that emphasizes intense and dedicated attention to a specific area.
  4. Maximizes their expertise – A phrase that conveys the idea of fully developing one’s skill or knowledge in a particular area.
  5. Readiness for professional challenges – This phrase suggests a preparedness for future difficulties in a career, indicating a high level of competency.
  6. Mastering the nuances – Refers to achieving a deep understanding of the subtle or complex aspects of a subject.
  7. Competitive edge – A commonly used collocation in professional contexts to describe an advantage over others.
  8. Multidisciplinary approach – A sophisticated term for studying across various subjects or fields.
  9. Intellectual horizons – A metaphorical phrase indicating the broadening of knowledge or intellectual capacity.
  10. Fosters creativity – A phrase indicating the encouragement or promotion of creative thinking.
  11. Critical thinking – A key skill highlighted in education, referring to the ability to analyze and evaluate an issue deeply.
  12. Approach problems from diverse angles – This phrase suggests considering multiple perspectives to solve issues, indicating a sophisticated problem-solving skill.
  13. Global economy – A term referring to the interconnected economies of the world, indicating an understanding of complex economic systems.
  14. Societal needs – Refers to the requirements or demands of society, suggesting a broad understanding of social issues.
  15. Bridging multiple disciplines – A phrase that implies connecting different areas of study to achieve a broader understanding or to solve complex problems.
  16. Hybrid model – A term used to describe a combination of two or more different things, in this case, educational approaches.
  17. Lifelong love for learning – A phrase that emphasizes the continuous passion for gaining new knowledge throughout one’s life.
  18. Adaptability to future changes – This phrase suggests the ability to adjust to new conditions or environments, a highly valued skill in today’s fast-paced world.

These words, phrases, and collocations contribute to the richness and depth of the essay, demonstrating a high level of English proficiency suitable for achieving a high score in the IELTS exam.

Model Essay 2:

In the pursuit of higher education, students often face a critical decision: diversify their academic interests or focus solely on their major for specialization. On one hand, some advocate for a holistic educational approach, emphasizing the importance of exploring a broad spectrum of subjects beyond one’s major. This viewpoint suggests that such an approach not only enriches one’s knowledge base but also fosters a well-rounded personality, crucial in today’s interdisciplinary world. On the other hand, there is a strong argument for concentrating exclusively on one’s chosen field of study, arguing that specialization is key to achieving excellence and competitiveness in one’s career.

Proponents of a diverse academic curriculum argue that learning about various subjects enhances cognitive flexibility, creativity, and problem-solving skills. By stepping outside their major, students can discover new interests, potentially leading to unexpected career opportunities. For instance, a computer science major taking courses in psychology could apply understanding of human behavior to design more intuitive user interfaces. This interdisciplinary approach is believed to prepare students for the complexities of the modern workforce, where the ability to integrate knowledge from different fields is highly valued.

Conversely, those who advocate for focusing solely on one’s major argue that the depth of understanding and expertise required to excel in any field demands undivided attention and dedication. Specializing allows students to develop a deep understanding of their subject, making them more attractive to employers seeking experts. For example, a law student dedicating all their time to understanding the nuances of legal theory and practice is arguably better prepared for a career in law than a peer who has spent time studying unrelated subjects.

In conclusion, while both approaches have their merits, the optimal path depends on individual goals and the nature of the chosen field. An interdisciplinary approach may benefit those in fields where broad knowledge and adaptability are prized, whereas fields requiring deep technical expertise might necessitate a focused approach. Personally, I advocate for a balanced education that allows for specialization while also encouraging exploration of other disciplines to foster a versatile skill set and a broad perspective, essential in navigating today’s dynamic world.

Words, phrases, and collocations from the essay

Here’s a list of words, phrases, and collocations from the essay that could contribute to a high score in IELTS due to their sophistication, accuracy, and range:

  1. Pursuit of higher education – A formal, sophisticated way to refer to the process of seeking university-level learning.
  2. Critical decision – Indicates the importance and impactful nature of the choice faced by students.
  3. Holistic educational approach – A comprehensive term that suggests considering all parts of something as interconnected.
  4. Fosters a well-rounded personality – Suggests the development of a multifaceted and versatile character.
  5. Interdisciplinary world – Refers to an environment where different fields of study interact and overlap.
  6. Cognitive flexibility – The mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts or to think about multiple concepts simultaneously.
  7. Problem-solving skills – The capacity to find solutions to difficult or complex issues.
  8. Interdisciplinary approach – Combining aspects of different disciplines in a cohesive manner.
  9. Complexities of the modern workforce – Refers to the intricate and multifaceted nature of today’s job market.
  10. Undivided attention and dedication – Total commitment and focus.
  11. Depth of understanding and expertise – A profound comprehension and skill in a particular area.
  12. Nuances of legal theory and practice – The subtle distinctions and practical applications of law.
  13. Dynamic world – An environment characterized by constant change and activity.
  14. Versatile skill set – A wide range of abilities that can be adapted to many different tasks or activities.
  15. Fosters a versatile skill set – Encourages the development of a broad array of adaptable skills.
  16. Navigating today’s dynamic world – The process of finding one’s way in a rapidly changing and complex global environment.
  17. Optimal path – The best or most favorable course of action.
  18. Encouraging exploration of other disciplines – Promoting the investigation and study of various fields of knowledge.
  19. Cognitive flexibility, creativity, and problem-solving skills – A sophisticated collocation highlighting desirable mental abilities.
  20. Interdisciplinary approach is believed to prepare students – A formal construction indicating a widely held opinion about the benefits of cross-disciplinary study.

These items reflect a high level of English proficiency, incorporating advanced vocabulary, precise collocations, and sophisticated expressions that are well-suited for a high-scoring IELTS essay.


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