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IELTS Writing
Sample Response

The IELTS writing sample responses provided on this website are crafted based on the criteria commonly used in the IELTS examination to assess writing skills. They are intended as educational resources to aid students in understanding the elements of high-scoring responses and to practice their writing skills. While these samples aim to demonstrate effective writing techniques and adherence to IELTS standards, I do not guarantee that similar submissions will achieve the same scores in an actual examination. Candidates are advised to use these resources as guides and not as definitive predictions of exam performance. The actual IELTS scores may vary based on individual performance, examiner interpretation, and other test-related variables.

Cambridge 18, test 1, task 2

Essay Question:

The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Model Essay:

The essence of scientific endeavor has long been debated, oscillating between the pursuit of pure knowledge and the application of that knowledge for the betterment of humanity. It is my firm belief that the paramount objective of science should be to ameliorate human lives. This standpoint is anchored in the conviction that scientific advancements, when steered towards humanitarian goals, can yield monumental benefits for society at large.

Firstly, the application of science with the intent to improve living conditions has led to remarkable achievements in the fields of medicine and public health. The development of vaccines and antibiotics, for instance, has drastically reduced mortality rates from infectious diseases, thereby extending human lifespan and enhancing the quality of life. These scientific breakthroughs underscore the potential of directed scientific research to address pressing human needs and alleviate suffering.

Moreover, the pursuit of technologies aimed at solving environmental challenges exemplifies another dimension wherein science directly contributes to enhancing human well-being. Innovations such as renewable energy technologies and water purification systems not only safeguard the environment but also ensure the sustainability of vital resources for future generations. This approach to scientific research not only solves immediate problems but also demonstrates foresight, prioritizing the long-term welfare of humanity.

In conclusion, while the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake remains a noble endeavor, the greatest merit of science lies in its capacity to transform and enrich human lives. The examples of medical and environmental advancements serve as testament to the profound impact that purpose-driven science can have. It is, therefore, imperative that the scientific community and policymakers alike prioritize research that holds the promise of tangible benefits for society, thereby fulfilling the most noble aim of science.

Words, phrases, and collocations from the essay

Here’s a list of words, phrases, and collocations from the essay that could contribute to a high score in IELTS due to their sophistication, accuracy, and range:

  1. Essence of scientific endeavor – A sophisticated way to discuss the fundamental nature of scientific work.
  2. Oscillating between – A high-level phrase indicating fluctuation or vacillation between two viewpoints or states.
  3. Ameliorate human lives – A formal term meaning to make better or improve, especially in the context of improving people’s living conditions.
  4. Paramount objective – Means the most important goal, showcasing the ability to prioritize and evaluate importance.
  5. Anchored in the conviction – A metaphorical phrase indicating a belief that is strongly held or firmly rooted.
  6. Yield monumental benefits – To produce extremely significant or substantial advantages; ‘monumental’ emphasizes the large scale of these benefits.
  7. Steered towards humanitarian goals – Directed or guided toward objectives that aim to promote human welfare.
  8. Development of vaccines and antibiotics – Specific examples of scientific achievements, demonstrating the ability to use precise and relevant examples.
  9. Drastically reduced mortality rates – A strong collocation indicating a significant decrease in the number of deaths.
  10. Extending human lifespan – Referring to increasing the length of time people live.
  11. Enhancing the quality of life – Making life better or more enjoyable; a key phrase in discussions about human well-being.
  12. Pressing human needs – Urgent or important requirements for human survival or comfort.
  13. Alleviate suffering – To reduce pain or hardship; a formal and compassionate expression.
  14. Solving environmental challenges – Addressing problems related to the natural world, showing awareness of global issues.
  15. Renewable energy technologies – A term referring to environmentally friendly sources of power, demonstrating knowledge of sustainable solutions.
  16. Water purification systems – Technologies designed to clean water, indicating an understanding of essential health and environmental systems.
  17. Safeguard the environment – To protect the natural world; a crucial concept in discussions about sustainability.
  18. Sustainability of vital resources – The ability to maintain important materials or conditions necessary for life, showing foresight and responsibility.
  19. Purpose-driven science – Research with a clear and beneficial goal, underscoring the value of intentionality in scientific inquiry.
  20. Tangible benefits for society – Concrete or real advantages for the community, emphasizing the practical impact of actions or decisions.

These items reflect a high level of English proficiency, incorporating advanced vocabulary, precise collocations, and sophisticated expressions that are well-suited for a high-scoring IELTS essay.


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