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IELTS Writing
Sample Response

The IELTS writing sample responses provided on this website are crafted based on the criteria commonly used in the IELTS examination to assess writing skills. They are intended as educational resources to aid students in understanding the elements of high-scoring responses and to practice their writing skills. While these samples aim to demonstrate effective writing techniques and adherence to IELTS standards, I do not guarantee that similar submissions will achieve the same scores in an actual examination. Candidates are advised to use these resources as guides and not as definitive predictions of exam performance. The actual IELTS scores may vary based on individual performance, examiner interpretation, and other test-related variables.

interdisciplinary learning

Cambridge 18, Test 2, Writing Task 2

Model Answer

In the realm of higher education, a debate has emerged regarding the breadth versus depth of learning. While some students advocate for exploring a variety of disciplines beyond their major, others contend that dedicating all efforts towards their primary field of study is paramount for professional success. This essay will examine both perspectives before endorsing a balanced approach that harmonizes specialized knowledge with interdisciplinary learning.

Proponents of broad-based education argue that understanding multiple disciplines enhances cognitive flexibility, encouraging creativity and innovation. By engaging with diverse subjects, students cultivate a well-rounded intellect, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills applicable across various contexts. This interdisciplinary approach not only equips individuals with a versatile skill set but also prepares them for the evolving demands of the global job market. For instance, tech industry leaders often highlight the value of integrating technical expertise with insights from the humanities and social sciences, illustrating how a multifaceted education can propel career advancement and personal growth.

Conversely, some argue for a focused academic pursuit, emphasizing depth over breadth. This viewpoint suggests that mastering a specific domain provides a competitive edge, enabling students to excel in their chosen fields. Specialization allows for deeper understanding and expertise, which is critical in professions requiring high levels of technical knowledge or research capabilities. For example, medical students dedicating their time exclusively to medical sciences can achieve proficiency and breakthroughs essential for medical advancements. This focused approach is believed to maximize educational outcomes, ensuring students are thoroughly prepared for specialized career paths.

While both educational strategies have merit, a balanced approach seems most beneficial. Embracing a primary focus while incorporating interdisciplinary studies offers the best of both worlds: depth of knowledge in a chosen field, complemented by the broad perspectives and adaptability gained from exploring other disciplines. This holistic education model not only prepares students for specific careers but also equips them with the intellectual versatility needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Ultimately, blending specialization with a wider academic exploration fosters a more adaptable and innovative workforce.


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