IELTS Speaking
Model Response

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a time when you had to wear a uniform. You should say:

  • when you wore it
  • who bought it for you,
  • what it looked like

and explain how you felt about it.

The important home appliance that my family uses every day is our microwave oven. We bought the microwave about five years ago, during a big sale at the electronic store near our house.

In my home, my mother uses the microwave the most. She likes to cook and the microwave helps her a lot. She uses it to heat food, make popcorn, and sometimes to cook vegetables. It’s very fast and easy for her.

The microwave is important to us because it saves a lot of time. For example, when we come home late and we are very hungry, we can heat our food very quickly with the microwave. It makes our life easier because we don’t have to wait a long time to eat warm food.

My advice to others about using this type of appliance is to be careful not to heat food in plastic containers that are not safe for microwaves. It is better to use glass or ceramic containers because they are safer and healthier. Also, don’t run the microwave when it is empty because it can break.


  • “We bought the microwave about five years ago, during a big sale at the electronic store near our house.”
  • “In my home, my mother uses the microwave the most.”
  • “The microwave is important to us because it saves a lot of time.”
  • “My advice to others about using this type of appliance is to be careful not to heat food in plastic containers that are not safe for microwaves.”

Lexical Resource

  • “electronic store”
  • “heat food”
  • “glass or ceramic containers”
  • “safer and healthier”

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • “We bought the microwave about five years ago…”
  • “She likes to cook and the microwave helps her a lot.”
  • “It is better to use glass or ceramic containers because they are safer and healthier.”
  • “Also, don’t run the microwave when it is empty because it can break.”

Pronunciation Implications

  • “microwave”
  • “ceramic”
  • “safer and healthier”
  • “electronic store”

The most important home appliance that we use daily in our family is the microwave oven. We bought it about five years ago during a holiday sale.

In our household, it’s my mother who uses the microwave the most. She is always busy with work and finds it extremely convenient to reheat meals or prepare quick snacks. She often uses it to make popcorn during movie nights, which has become a lovely family tradition.

The microwave is crucial for us because it saves a lot of time. Cooking can be a lengthy process, especially when you’re making several dishes. With the microwave, we can heat up leftovers quickly, which is especially helpful during our busy mornings when getting ready for work and school.

For anyone thinking of buying a microwave, I would advise them to consider the features that are important to them. For instance, some microwaves come with a grill function, which is great if you enjoy grilled foods but don’t want to use a separate grill appliance. Also, always check the wattage – a higher wattage means quicker cooking times. Lastly, it’s wise to look for a microwave that is easy to clean with removable parts.


  • “In our household,” and “For anyone thinking of buying a microwave,”
  • “She is always busy with work and finds it extremely convenient to reheat meals or prepare quick snacks.” follows logically from explaining who uses it most.
  • The overall structure: Introduction of the appliance, description of the main user and uses, explanation of its importance, advice to others.

Lexical Resource

  • “extremely convenient,” “lovely family tradition,” “crucial,”
  • “holiday sale,” “grill function,” “quicker cooking times,” “easy to clean”

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • Simple: “We bought it about five years ago.”
  • Complex: “Cooking can be a lengthy process, especially when you’re making several dishes.”
  • Compound: “She often uses it to make popcorn during movie nights, which has become a lovely family tradition.”

Pronunciation Implications

  • Words like “microwave,” “appliance,” and “convenient” might challenge pronunciation.
  • Stress in phrases like “extremely convenient” and “holiday sale” are crucial for natural emphasis.

One indispensable home appliance that my family uses every day is our microwave oven. We purchased it about five years ago, during a Black Friday sale, which made it quite a bargain. It’s become an essential tool in our kitchen since then.

In our household, it’s my mother who uses the microwave the most. She has a tight schedule, working from early in the morning until late in the evening, so she often relies on the microwave to quickly reheat meals and prepare simple dishes. This saves her a lot of time, especially when juggling her professional responsibilities and her role in our family.

The importance of the microwave in our daily life cannot be overstated. It not only helps with quick meal preparations but also supports healthy eating habits. For instance, we use it to steam vegetables, which preserves more nutrients than boiling them. Its versatility extends to baking and grilling with the right attachments, making it an all-around workhorse in our kitchen.

For anyone considering this type of appliance, my advice would be to look for a model that offers multiple functions. This could include features like grilling, steaming, and even baking, which can greatly enhance your cooking experiences. Also, it’s worthwhile to invest in a microwave with pre-set cooking times for various dishes, as it simplifies the cooking process and ensures better results. Lastly, always keep it clean and maintain it regularly to extend its lifespan and functionality.

  • Coherence

    • Uses “since then” to connect past actions with present relevance.
    • “In our household” and “For anyone considering” serve as clear topic introductions for new ideas.
    • Logical structure: Introduction of the appliance, its primary user, its significance, and advice for potential users.
  • Lexical Resource

    • Varied vocabulary: “indispensable,” “bargain,” “versatility.”
    • Advanced/less common words: “preserves nutrients,” “workhorse.”
    • Effective collocations: “tight schedule,” “healthy eating habits,” “simplifies the cooking process.”
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy

    • Simple sentences: “We purchased it about five years ago.”
    • Complex sentences: “It not only helps with quick meal preparations but also supports healthy eating habits.”
    • Demonstrates high grammatical accuracy with conditional structures and relative clauses: “For anyone considering this type of appliance, my advice would be…”
  • Pronunciation Implications

    • Challenging words/phrases: “indispensable,” “nutrients,” “functionality.”
    • Intonation and stress crucial in phrases like “not only helps with quick meal preparations but also supports” to emphasize contrast and addition.

Question 1: Can you name another home appliance that people commonly use on a daily basis?

A2 Level: “A lot of people use a fridge every day. It keeps our food cold so it doesn’t go bad.”

B1 Level: “Many households rely on a washing machine daily. It’s essential for keeping clothes clean and managing daily chores efficiently.”

B2 Level: “An indispensable home appliance in daily use is the dishwasher. It significantly simplifies the task of washing dishes, especially in larger households where manual cleaning can be time-consuming.”

Question 2: Do you think people nowadays accumulate unnecessary appliances or equipment in their homes? Why or why not?

A2 Level: “Yes, I think so. Some people buy things they don’t really need because they see them in ads.”

B1 Level: “In my opinion, many people do accumulate gadgets they seldom use, largely influenced by advertising and the appeal of convenience, even if it’s not essential.”

B2 Level: “I believe there’s a tendency to amass unnecessary appliances, driven by consumerism and a desire for the latest technology. Often, these gadgets fulfill short-lived desires rather than long-term needs.”

Question 3: Where do most people in your country prefer to shop for their household items, in local markets or shopping malls?

A2 Level: “Most people go to shopping malls to buy things for the house because you can find many things there.”

B1 Level: “Generally, people prefer shopping malls for household items as they offer a wide variety under one roof, making it more convenient.”

B2 Level: “Shopping malls are the preferred choice for most due to the variety of options available, from budget to luxury items, all accessible in a single location. This convenience is highly valued.”


  • Effective transitions or connectors:

    • A2: Direct statement without transition.
    • B1: Direct statement without transition.
    • B2: “An indispensable home appliance,” introduces the subject effectively.
  • Logical progression or structure:

    • A2: Simple statement followed by a basic explanation.
    • B1: Reasoning follows the claim about daily reliance.
    • B2: Describes the usefulness specifically in context of larger households.

Lexical Resource

  • Varied vocabulary/advanced or less common words:

    • A2: Basic vocabulary, “fridge,” “every day.”
    • B1: “rely,” “essential,” “efficiently.”
    • B2: “indispensable,” “significantly,” “time-consuming.”
  • Effective collocations/idiomatic expressions:

    • A2: No idiomatic expressions.
    • B1: “managing daily chores.”
    • B2: “significantly simplifies,” “manual cleaning.”

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • Simple and complex sentence structures:

    • A2: “It keeps our food cold so it doesn’t go bad.” (Simple cause and effect)
    • B1: “It’s essential for keeping clothes clean and managing daily chores efficiently.” (Complex)
    • B2: “It significantly simplifies the task of washing dishes, especially in larger households where manual cleaning can be time-consuming.” (Complex, with a relative clause)
  • Grammatical features demonstrating high level of accuracy and range:

    • A2: Correct use of present simple tense.
    • B1: Use of present simple; modifiers add complexity.
    • B2: Use of present simple tense with modifiers and subordinate clauses enhancing detail and complexity.

Pronunciation Implications

  • Challenging words/phrases for pronunciation:

    • A2: “fridge,” “doesn’t go bad.”
    • B1: “households,” “managing,” “efficiently.”
    • B2: “indispensable,” “significantly,” “time-consuming.”
  • Intonation and stress crucial for natural speech:

    • A2: Emphasis on “every day.”
    • B1: Stress on “essential” and “efficiently” for natural emphasis.
    • B2: “indispensable,” “significantly,” and “time-consuming” would benefit from stress to convey importance.
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